Dilkoon Outing – May 2024

Well, what a weekend we had. With the Dilkoon Creek far enough away to not force
us to evacuate like the SES had to do to us at Coraki last month, we had a fantastic
time dodging the showers, and stoking the fires.

A grand total of 22 vehicles turned up, everything from a coach to a car, with a crowd
of 39 people attending, some for just the day, others anything from one night to

The three main days, Friday to Sunday had everything with the weather, with
morning fog, clouds, showers, and sunshine keeping us on our toes, with awnings in
and out, and umbrellas kept handy. The hey shed awning was deployed and butted
up to the marquee, which unfortunately showing its age by leaking inside

The ladies quickly set up tables inside to play their games, and for Nola and Chris to
assemble jigsaws. Bob was kept busy with the log splitter to keep the fires burning.
On Thursday, many meals were prepared over the outside fire.

David and Chris Seale came on Wednesday, but could only stay one night. After
running two days late due to Shirley McLennan’s migraine, they got a phone call
from a friend of Neil’s, who said he had tested positive to “that” virus, Neil was
tested, and found positive, so they fled. Old friends Margaret Sherlock came to stay in
one of the Crosby’s vans, Rex and Billy Watkins came and slept in the shed, keeping
the fire going for a couple of nights. Others who came for Saturday were Barry and
Mavis Green, Graham Randall, Peter and Lyn Sykes, and Dave and Narelle Wynn.
On Friday, Ken and Dawn McGrath supplied a heap of little red dogs, which Nola
boiled up, and we all had dog sandwiches for lunch followed by a fruit platter. Then
Nola served up a bowl of BBQ chicken and corn soup to everyone who wanted one
on Friday night.

On Saturday, the formalities meant that after all present were thanked for coming,
and apologies made for the absentees, the OBE badges were presented to those
‘over bloody eighty’, Ron Cowan, Barry and Mavis Green, Ken McGrath, Lyn Sykes,
and Rex Watkins.

Tim Seale and Ken McGrath put their qualifications to use, testing as many leads as
campers wanted, with $25 raised for Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
Only two rounds of Finska were played, with Belinda Flowers winning Round 1, and
Jennell Johnston winning Round 2. This was followed by the raffles, with a table
groaning with all the prizes available.

Saturday night dinner went ahead with great gusto, just ahead of a shower. The
catering team of Nola Crosby, Chris Martin, Veronica Salmon and Yvonne Tomlinson
presented a buffet meal of parboiled BBQ potatoes, with two different minces, cherry
tomatoes, sliced capsicum, shredded cheese, bacon, and coleslaw followed by apple
slice with custard and/or thickened cream for dessert.

On Sunday, some left early because of other commitments, others stayed until after
morning tea, then left, everyone going with happy memories, and thankful to Bob
and Veronica Salmon who had spent so much time and effort to make the
campground such a beautiful site.

Our next outing is at Bellingen Showground, Hammond Street Bellingen from Friday
14 June. To book an unpowered or powered site, ring, after 16 May, the caretakers,
Shamara and Kelly, on 0490 537 047, say you are with the CVR, and they will book
you in, or contact them online at www.bellingenshowground.com.au/camping/ and
click on the book online button, If you don’t want to book online, contact Lorraine
Seale on 0437 047 440 or email lseale2464@gmail.com and she will tell you what
you can do.

So far, the following people have indicated they are going:

Don Brackenreg Rob and June Hooker
Ray Browne and Anna FarleyRob and Marjorie Murphy
Gary and Nola Crosby Judy Parkes
Don and Gail FergusonTim and Lorraine Seale
Tony Flowers Ron Steen and Carla Bennett
Pam FraserDon and Yvonne Tomlinson
Richard and Jenny Goeldner

Any questions about this, feel free to contact me at cvrchapter@gmail.com or text
me on 0419 291 433.

I tried to insert photos into this newsletter, but I can’t find where I filed them, so to
save time, I will send them later.

Regards, Don Brackenreg (Secretary).